Writers' Block and How to Beat It Essay

Writers’ block is a psychological condition, most commonly associated with long-term creative stagnation or inability to create new work. This block is not due to the inability of writers to produce creative work or commitment issues. It is not the product of being unable to think creatively or lack the desire to write. It is more a matter of willpower. If you are determined to overcome writers’ block, then that will happen regardless of your ability or interest in creatively writing.

The first cause of writers’ block

There are two primary causes for writers’ block, and these are not mental obstacles but physical ones. The first cause of writers’ block is an actual physical ailment, often a physical condition that forces writers to stop writing. In many cases this ailment must be diagnosed before a writer can get past their hesitation about writing. In such cases the ailment is one of the physical elements of the brain that has been keeping the writer from writing. When this condition is corrected, the writer can resume writing in an effort to write their way out of their writers’ block. Often this is very difficult.

The second cause of writers’ block

The second cause of writers’ block is not so much a physical condition as it is a mental barrier. Writing is simply not a mind activity so writers’ block cannot be caused by the mental state that surrounds writing. Many writers’ block can be attributed to the writers’ own mindset rather than a physical condition. It is very important to try to find the underlying cause for a writers’ block rather than treating the symptoms as a cure.

The most common cause of writers’ block is the writers’ perception of failure. Writers experience a sense of failure when they do not produce quality work. In their minds they attempt to recreate the same success they had when they were at the top of their field. The only problem with this approach is that it leads to chronic disappointment and eventually writers’ block.

Another common cause is the writers’ reluctance to accept any kind of structure for their work. They believe that they should be left to their own devices to complete a manuscript. When this happens, a writer can become paralyzed with inaction. This can prevent them from writing another word all together.

Do the same thing over again

The third, and often the easiest, cause of writers’ block, is that the writer simply does not like to do the same thing over again. As a result their brain has learned to associate the same task with different words. This causes the brain to focus on what it deems as a difficulty instead of just going with the flow of the text. Once this starts happening repeatedly writers are left with writers’ block.

How to Avoid Writers’ Block

The best way to avoid writers’ block is to simply write. It is so much easier said than done of course. However, there are times when a writer finds that they have written several drafts of a piece and are no longer inspired to write. This can be due to too much planning or rework or rewriting. If you find yourself in this position, simply take a break and start fresh. You will be amazed how quickly your muse will return.

The key to writers’ block is to realize when it is actually present and to answer the question before hand. Do you need to rework your piece? Do you need to rearrange your thoughts? Is the main idea still valid? Answer these questions and you will be amazed by how quickly your creativity will return. Once you begin to answer these questions you will find that writers’ block is less of an issue and more of a prompt for new, improved ideas.